Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My Off Day and My Fav Spot

On my off day when I am not with my fiancee, spending time with her.
I would got to the Science Center to relax myself, destress and such.

Yeah, I am a sucker for Science stuffs. It never fails to fascinate me after all these years.
Fact is that ever when I was boy, I would pester my dad to take me there every weekend.

Now that, he's gone (He's passed away 16 years ago.). Guess I have do it myself.

I found out that the Singapore Science have a latest addition: a Water Play Park.
I think it's pretty cool for an education center to have that.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I am Tired.....Knocked out....Argh!!! legs, after days of Full shift at a Shopping center ( I was promoting my company's stuffs there), my brain is down to the basic functions and I don't my middle name anymore plus I gonna have problems reacting to Adult Action Movies. ( I am too tired to be aroused)

But YES! I have sold lots of stuffs and showcased sucessfully my company's mechandise to the consumers.

One thing I don't get it; there ARE people against PC games.
What the heck man? This is the Age of Internet. You need PCs to know what's going on!
I get to listen to reasons like I don't wanna my kids to addicted ( who does?) or
It's promotes violence ( This is a world where you must fight your rights, you Hippy!) and degrades peace ( Oh yeah, smoking Weeds promotes peace? Then why ban it?)

The really outlandish ones are like: I don't have time to know so much or Ask my maid! or No Money.....(Yeah, right. Excuses, Exschmuses, Schcuses........why don't you say just say Woah! That's new stuff to learn. )

Pride is something we can afford to live without. ( Like it can generate interest.....)
Or your knowledge which is something most people I know just stuff it in one corner or "give back to the teacher". ( No, it can't generate Interest in banks if you keep and don't use it)

Ignorance is a Bane of our society in which it promotes Dumbness, stupidity & the "I dunno" culture.
" I follow the instruction can already!" is the classic word to say when one gets in tight spot.

You know, your parents don't invest time & money in your dumbness or ignorance which can proven in seconds.
Rather they wanna invest in your knowledge and savvyness which take minutes and some analysis to find out. Mind you that takes decades of cultivating!

Which is why people are losing jobs to places like the Middle Kingdom and Western Paradise. They can say the same thing and do the same stuffs for a lower price even lower......for a pair of SHOES! ( Nasty sweatshop owners, they ought be Iron maidened!)

Game Culture is something I would love to have in my country.
For now it's confined to a certain of people who are hard core players.
Also it is something that needs to be trained and cultured from young.
Please don't follow the Bad ones ( Spent 20 hour a day playing, 1 meal a day and no toilet breaks!)

I'll in the WCG 2005 Finals as a Corperate Guest! I am proud to represent my country as part of this Event!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My 1st Blog

Ok, this is me 1st or virgin blog ( you like the term).

Frankly speaking, I have dabbling with PC for a long time from my first Apple Mac in 1988 to my 1st IBM compatible (a 386 PC with 2 MB ram) in 1991 to my first Pentium in 1996 to my current AMD which is fast becoming obsolete in 6 months time. ( I think so)

My! The world of computers is a fast one! I have been BBSing in the 1990s then with the introduction of the Internet, I have never looked back ever since.

I have been playing games since the time of Atari, Nintendo and Sega not to mention Neo Geo. PC also included.
Remember, X-com: UFO defense, X-com: Terror from the Deep and Wing Commander?
(If you born within the 1970s & the 1980s, you most probably do)
Still, playing game now though in my late 20s. I am 30 next yr. Old man by gamers' standard.

I work in many professions before; I was a Chef apprentice (Yes, I do know how to cook), a Sales Assistant ( kinda of common job in Singapore), a Dept store supervisor
and now a PC Games guy! Cool huh?

Today as always, I prefer to work outside my office. I never liked to coop myself in the office and pretend everything is fine.
(Think of an Ostrich, I know I know, they don't do that in the real world)

Hey, no one ever told you that work these days are just going to the office and incubate your rear end from 9 to 5 & go home.
Although I wanted that sort of job, but the reality is that: Nope. They don't EXIST these days.

Evening at 7 to 8 pm, I go home and enjoy a dose of Nat Geo or Discovery channel.
Anything but our local channel.......I got pissed by their innane (that's a polite word to use) plots and bizarre characters portrayals. Oh yeah, I have plethora of "colorful" words for them.
Somehow, it's uncouth, vulgar and coarse. ( As rough as grade zero sandpaper)

Long live Cable TV!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I stumbled on this catchy song from the upcoming Disney cartoon: Chicken Little.
I ran a check in the Net & found it was sung by O-zone, a Romanian song group.
It is called "Dragoste din tei" but it is known by it's popular name: the "Numa Numa" song.

This is outrageous version:

This is the Disney Trailer type: