Friday, September 21, 2007

The Coppers........

Yes, the Coppers are looking for me.
In case, anyone starts to have some wild imaginations.

I certainly didn't break the law.
It is something I ordered in the Net.
It looked like a pistol
(It is but it's not real. It's a rubber dart gun)and I have to prove it isn't to the coppers.

I know it sounds bizarre.
Seems that our local law have a strange way of defining firearms.

The obvious ones like GLOCKs, SIGs, S&W or H&K with their 9mm or Three Fifty Seven.
For that, I am not arguing in the name of public safety and Law & Order.

It becomes ridiculous when a BB gun which ostensibly is not a firearm is classfied as a firearm or arms.
(It doesn't fire bullets for you guys out there who don't know about it.)

Why do I get the feeling that Politicians who are science iliterate play a part in this ruling.......
This is what happen when you get Politicians who are economics or statistics braincases. They don't know what is science except how to pass them in exams and look good in dandy boy costumes.
Kissing babies and handing over of awards don't count in my book when he is utterly clueless about Science and Common sense.
(For crying out loud, this is the age of infomation & science!)

Even Toys weapons who looked like Real weapons is being examined by the cops. Specifically, the Arms & Explosive Dept.
YEAH! The Cops who handles the *Bang!* stuff also scrutinises toys and swords to sure it is safe for playing and such.
Ok, I won't argue about the super sharp swords that can dice a man into bacon.
Or the Real .44 Magnum that take your heads off.

Somehow I get feeling that the Cops just want a paper trail that lead back to Who and Who import this.

Going into the Cop house is getting into a habit for me.
It is strange when you haven't been flouting the law and some dumb civil servant thinks what you ordered in the Net is the Real McCoy.

OMFG, Can someone tell people these days not to be so ignorant?
It doesn't pay being DUMB or have your head in the sand!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

SVB (Sex, Violence & Blood) The 2nd round

Now for my second part of this issue:
I don't advocate Sex, Violence and Blood on entertainment but I certainly don't ban them entirely. I mean whitewashing, denying them is not going help either.

Let's face it: they are not going away. And your sons & daughters including mine are going to be exposed to them one way or another.

This is my take on them:

1.) Sex: Let's face it. The next fun for all human beings other than wanking off.
I am very against underaged sex (it's ugh! bleh! pui! Death to Paedophiles!)
Teenagers.....that's a very sticky issue. Teenagers; I think they liked it RAW. Therefore no condoms used and teenage pregencies happened.

Well, I would prefer teaching them to used condoms and such. So as avoid such problems. The best is abstinence which is to some: NUTS!
Well, you can watch porn and wank off. No harm done......maybe the mess left behind....Heh heh heh!

2.) Violence: For place like here, this piece of earth is very insulated from the harsh realities of wars, mega crimes and sectarian problems. So we don't feel the pinch.
Even to point of having "Hawks" & "Doves" in here, the Hawks are the ones who strongly support an Armed Forces for defence & emergencies. The Doves will not take up arms no matter what. Even if some hostile bugger comes and mug'em silly. They will not fight back. ( I think this is so dumb.)
That's why till today, our armed forces has problems being accepted by the population.
We have to defend this mud-keep from any potential hostiles.

That's why we have a citizen army. So if any mega emergencies takes place, what are you going to do?
Complain? Moan & Bitch about the unfairness of life? Hide in hole? Or take an escape boat out?

In life or on a national level, one has to defend oneself against aggressors whether be a bully or a hostile faction.
Yes, violence cannot solve anything. But being a sitting duck isn't going help too.

3.) Blood: This one is not brainer. If you are cut, will you not bleed?
So to those people who think seeing blood is offensive, I think you are a pansy and spoilt brat who has an army servants at your beck & call. You don't get to see it and think it is taboo.
Well, taboo my ass!

My Wedding

I just got married in 1/7/07.
Yes, I got very drunk after downing 8 glasses of red/white wine.
I was not drinker for a start.

Then I, according to witnesses started to spout *profanities* like:
" I gonna Karma sutra my wife.......doggy style....donkey style....dinosaur style!
The best part is it's recorded for prosterity.

Married life is not tie me down! Ha! Ha!
Although I will still fulfill my duties as a husband.
I am not gonna tie myself to the home for whatever reasons.

Life goes on, I am not use my family as a shield/excuse/reason for shirking responsibilities. Unless mega emergencies happened.
Even so, I have to weight my priorities and make some hard choices.

Life is just too short to go on circles/cycles everyday.

Oh yes,
The favourite arguement for Movies, games and entertainment:
1.) Blood 2.) Sex 3.)Violence

I have heard of too many people saying we are exposed too many of the above and soon will be corrupted morally by them.
Well, that's a lame/crap/nonsensical way of saying I am too lazy / no time to teach my children about that.

Yes, I agree that work is important.
Keeps the money flowing, bill are paid and life is easier to get by.
There are times where the fundamentals of life has to be taugh;
-Not all the time fairy tales have good endings.
-Death is not pretty, nice or glamourous
-Life is tough but manageable if you have the tenacity and fortitude.
-Nothing comes to you if you do nothing
-Keep an aim in life. At least, you won't be joining the dozens of mindless sad sods who don't anything other than earning money and thinking money is magic pill to be happy.
-Education is the key to a better future and understanding not to a life of luxury and laze around while money is dropped from the sky.

I think that parenting is a full time job and no way, it can be pushed/out sourced/pass the buck to teacher, maids or tutors.
No matter what we, human being are animals......with reason.
Occasionally our animal half will surface; that children does not carry my gene. Why should I take good care of them?
Why do you think Cinderella's stepmom is such beee-atch?

The same thing a Lion from another pride will kill another pride's cubs so as eliminate previous genes and carry its own genes by *screwing* the now cubless lioness.

Now I am not saying that all humans are animals with beastly qualities.
Otherwise I am one meself too.
But some will allow the animal half to take control and do acts of cruelty/beastiality/animalistics.
Believe it will always seek manifest itself inside all humans.
Even I will get it.
Either by feeling offended when people stare me or people challenge me by shouting at me.

I think I will continue the BSV (Blood, Sex & Violence) thing next round.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Descendents of the Dragon

遙遠的東方有一條江 它的名字就叫長江  遙遠的東方有一條河 它的名字就叫黃河
雖不曾看見長江美  夢裡常神游長江水  雖不曾聽見黃河壯  澎湃洶湧在夢裡
古老的東方有一條龍 它的名字就叫中國  古老的東方有一群人 他們全都是龍的傳人
巨龍腳底下我成長  長成以後是龍的傳人 黑眼睛黑頭髮黃皮膚 永永遠遠是龍的傳人
百年前寧靜的一個夜 巨變前夕的深夜裡  槍砲聲敲碎了寧靜夜 四面楚歌是姑息的劍
多少年砲聲仍隆隆  多少年又是多少年  巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼  永永遠遠地擦亮眼

Descendents of the Dragon (Approximate meaning)
In the fast east, there is a river; the name is “Chang Jiang” (Yangtze River)
In the fast east, there is a river; the name is “Hwang Her” (Yellow river)
Although I have not seen the beauty of “Chang Jiang”, in my dream, I have dreamed of swimming in its waters.
Although I have not seen the power of “Hwang Her”, in my dream, I have imagined the power of the waters in the my dreams.
In the olden east, lives a dragon; her name is Chung Kuo (China)
In the olden east, comes a group of people and they are all called “Descendents of the Dragon”.
Under the huge feet of the dragon where I live, growing up to a Descendent of the Dragon. Black eyes, Black hair & Yellow skin are always the Descendents of the Dragon.
The hundred years of serenity, the night before great change, cannons shattered the quiet night, swords from four directions comes.
The cannons roared for years, how many years, and how many youth?
The Great Dragon wipes its eyes, wipes its eyes……..

The Meaning of this Song:
I am no expert or scholar for that matter.
But I think whoever wrote this is chronicling the saga of the Overseas Chinese who went outside of China to seek their fortunes. It describes they have never seen Yangtze river or the Yellow river.
Plus the distinct identity of the Chinese people is their appearance.
Then great divide of the Chinese people in China at the start of the Chinese civil war just after World War 2 and metaphorically, China as the great Dragon who weeps and yearns for the unification of its people year after years.
What do you guys out there think?
Oh yeah, guess what?
I found out about my family roots recently;
1.) Great-Great Grandpa is from China, Chao Zhou, Pu Ning.
2.) Great Grandpa is born locally
3.) Grandpa is born locally too
4.) My Dad
5.) Me!
That makes my family hanging in this place for 4 generations.
Plus the reason why my family are closer to the West because Great-great Grandpa is an English speaking man from China who is a scholar in the Ching government in anyway is a lot more liberal than the traditional ones.
You know the ones who think China is center of the world, they are the most cultured people compared to the “gwailos”.
Bad point; we sucked in Chinese and dialect. I managed to learn Chinese & dialect from my Taiwanese relatives.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I am back !!!

I am back from my Reservist training.

From 19th April to 25th April, we have been transported to Pulau Tekong camp; heading towards this place called San Yong Kong camp.
This camp looked like it was built by Command & Conquer fans.
You have barracks, generators and a very spartan sanitary system laid out like a RTS game map with complimentary guard tower.

It's amazing how this island which is a ferry ride away from mainland could be so stuffy in the day and the temperature could plummet a mind numbing 20 plus degrees celsius by midnight.
I was shivering on my 1st night there.
My mates told me I was snoring and the snoring resembled that of a revving engine.
Hee hee hee.......

The grand finale of this act took part on a sunday night, the entire unit was sent forth on a marching order to the darkest part of island (in my own words).
Yes! It is darkest tekong for you Noobs out there. So dark that you can't see your own hand.
But yet, you have to be disciplined enough to resist the urge to use a torch.

Of course, there is help in a form of a glow strip stuck to the soldiers' helmet as a guide through the darkness.
I surfed thru the darkness from 12am to 4am, emerging at a beach.

An hour or so, I saw the sun rise from the eastern horizon.
I spent an hour staring at it; never so glad before seeing it.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I will be going to my Reservist (to the Americans known as National Guard) at Palau Tekong or in English, Tekong island.

National Guard aka "Weekend Soldiers"; Once a year, Once a month, 2 weeks a month.
Yes, that is applies too for Singaporean Reservists.

Someone once pop the question of "Are you willing to die for Singapore?" in the net.

Well, how about I phrase another way: "War is not about dying for your country. It's about making the other SOB die for his instead!" Gen. Patton.

War is not pretty. Period.

The dweeb who says it is 1.) a twerp who hasn't served in the military 2.) some MOFO with ulterior motive 3.) Warlord in the making.

Also I would like to address to people out there who lives in Singapore particularly; Singapore is small fricking island 24km across.

No hostile nation in their right mind will NUKE SingaFuckingpore.

Capish? Comprende? Understand?


A 16 kiloton (that is 1,000,000 tonne of TNT, I think) NUKE can destroy Hiroshima which is 20 something KM in diameter. The Nuke's name is "Little Boy".

It is probably the smallest nuke with the minimal strength of "Bang!" factor used.

Today Man's got Nukes that can destroy cities faster than I can have an orgasm!

Back to the point, if anyone nuke Singapore. He's gonna blow a lot of money to built the infrastructure he just busted which is counter productive. Plus the potency of modern nukes is such that the radioactivity will remain for hundred of years to come. That's not including the radioactive matter that will be spread to the neighbouring countries.

If anyone who says about Singapore is soooo small and can destroyed by a nuke.
Tell him/her/it to shut up and quit confusing real life and games altogether!

Plus the 1000 bombers raids idea; that is not going to work too!

Why? Whose gonna be so dumb as to use 1000 bombers with proppellers or jets, load them with incendiaries and burn Singapore to the ground?

First, it is a waste of money to buy 1000 bombers and built the hangars to house them, not to mention the amount of fuel to power them and the time to train the crews.

Second, Mordern War is about conquest. Not about loot, plunder and pillage like Attila the Hun.

Third, Singapore must blind as a bat to not see the obvious signs of 1000 bombers.

(Quit the idea of buying 1000 B-2s. It's not gonna happen. Uncle Sam is not selling his favourite scarecrow for a quid!)

A more likely scenario is that; Singapore (God forbid) will be blockade by an enemy navy in a bid to lay siege. The skies will be harrassed by aircrafts causing fear & certainty to the civilians and anyone who dares to leave the air space. An amphibious landing will almost be certainly be pulled off in a bid to take the island over.

The Singapore Armed Forces will fight an urban war similar to Stalingrad.

Know this; 250,000 men are soldiers to the country. The densest armed population in South East Asia per square km.

Oh yes, the million dollar question of paying your ministers or ministahs top dollar so that he does his job well.

The old adage says " You pay peanuts, you get monkeys."

I couldn't agree with that more.

Of course, the ministah had better not be an useless pissant who twiddle his thumb and assume the whole country is OK while he sips his cocktail/mocktail/vodka in his office.

I suppose 2 million smackaroos a year is alright for the Prime Ministah if he can do his stuff.

I know, I know.........PM and his band of men shouldn't be paid sooooo much.
That's conventional wisdom.

And most seasoned men would tell you that conventional wisdom seldom make sense at all.
Well, it is a lot of moolah to me. I confess that.

This will go on and on. Like God is man or woman.
So let's see what happens later this year.....

I've gotten my hands on the a G36c replica! Cool man!
One more stuff for my cosplay booty.....Yay!

Plus my first in a lifetime event.......I ate my 1st T-bone steak!
Pathetic huh?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

At last, my swords props has arrived!
If given choice, I would prefer a metal one but I, being a bungling nincompoop wouldn't want have it.
Besides when I have kids, Bad idea to let then play with it.
So......plastic is ideal.

I was humming the 倚天屠龙记 tune by Adam Cheng in the 1980s.
Because I fantasize one of the swords to be the "Yi Tian Jian" aka in English as "The Sword of the Heavens".

I was reciting the tagline of the show:
"Dao Ba Tu Long, sei yi zheng feng,
Yi Tian How Ling tian Xia, sei bu fu cong?"

In approximate English means:
" The Blade that slays dragons; who does not contest for it?
The Sword of the Heavens reigns supreme; who does not acknowledges it?"

Which of course, makes me think of getting a "Tu Long Dao".
Later, I will get one.

My next issue to rant is the local issues of "Gamers & Non Gamers";

This is biggest thing ever to the shores of Singapore in 1999; CS or better known as
Counter Strike.
Somehow over the years, a class of people has formed from this phenomeneon:
1.) Gamers
2.) Non Gamers

Gamers are defined as people who are proficient in playing games; able to play competently in any form of games from X-box to PC to PS2.
While Non Gamers are defined as people who have coordination problems and generally can't play competently in any games platform.

I don't think so.
Anyone can be one if they can their hearts & mind to it.
Plus some training on the fundamentals of Gaming.

The so called Gamers would probably liked to keep this circle of exclusive class to themselves.
Why? It makes them feel like Superstars in their own right.
Which is why I would prefer to bring this concept of "You Game, I Game and Everyone Game" to the masses.

It gives people a sense of accomplishment and brings these "divas in the making" down to reality.
Otherwise it irks me to see these type of people swagger and boast how pro they are, how L337 they are and how many frags they chalked up.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

1942 to 2006, 15th Feb

Ok, so it's a late to post this.
But it is a culmination of event and such after Feb 15th 1942.

What is special about 15th Feb 1942?
It's is the fall of Singapore, a day by which the British army surrendered the Japanese Imperial army from the lack of vital supplies and ammunitons.

Of course, table tops freaks can go on and on about.........but the fact remains: The Brits surrendered and 3 yrs 08 months of Tyranny, Despotism plus a dose of killings follows.
(Like which war is bloodless.....must be an amateur/naive/noob to assume so)

Remember "The Price of Peace" ?
That was emotional man.
The Japs went on ramapage (think Attila the Hun times 1000 going on drunken, ecstasy high sex orgy plus Inquisition style tortures) on the local populace.
Ever watched Jap AV porn? Something like that with Cannibal Holocaust.

The show makes many viewers so pissed until a tad too many were smashed their TVs with "2 by 4" planks. I too was pissed beyond words.
If I have Minigun (You know, the 6 barrelled gun held by Vulcan Raven), I would gladly use it those scumbags and scream: "Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy now!"

Plus Operation Sook Ching! *Dramatic music of you choice*
On attempt to curb the local from uprising and turning to insurgents,
the Japs ordered men from 18 to 40 to called at check points around the island and then.........
*No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! Or was it the Kempeitai ?*
The Kempeitai is the Imperial Japanese army's military police, it is a hybrid between the Gestapo and Inquisition.

Many male folks were taken to secluded spots and *Daka! Daka! Daka! Daka! Daka!*
What were you expecting? Fire crackers?
No! Gunned down like Al Capone's Valentine Massacre .
This went on for 2 weeks.

Simultaneously the womenfolk had their problems. Anything with a C**T, walks on 2 legs, has boobs and look saucy enough gets violated sexually by the Imperials.
The Imperials think this is their right to ravish any remale as victors of a conquered land.

Ever heard "Winning Hearts and Minds"?
Guess not.

Oh yeah! The Nanking Massacre!
China's biggest thing thing since the Cultural Revolution aka The Big Reset button.

That makes Jonestown look like Halloween and Abu Gharib look like a Tea Party.
Anything that walked on 2 legs, looks Chinese is violated, killed, tortured in whatever idea any Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe can come up with.

Watch the movie named "Don't Cry, Nanking" (I think)
And be pissed, angry and upset for a few days.
Trust me, you get the feeling you wanna kill those Imperials and when you are done.
You'll get an orgasm so high that even I think you will come in you pants.

The Choice of Weapon for killing such fiends!

An Eye for an Eye makes the World go Blind.
Tit for Tat.
No, Justice is dispensed in the Court. Not with vilgilante ideals.

It is tempting to feed on this feeling of vengeance.
But Believe me, you wouldn't want to feed it anymore after that.

As Yoda would have said: Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.

Which leads to the movie, "Letters from Iwo Jima".
There are some who don' wanna watch. Says it makes them sympathise the Imperials, makes the Imperials look like victims and such.

The point in whatever the story shows remains the same; The Allies won, The Axis lost. Period.
Nothing more can more obvious.
Debate all you want.
Uncle Sam and his Friends won while Hitler and his loser ilk are crying in their underwear.