Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Descendents of the Dragon

遙遠的東方有一條江 它的名字就叫長江  遙遠的東方有一條河 它的名字就叫黃河
雖不曾看見長江美  夢裡常神游長江水  雖不曾聽見黃河壯  澎湃洶湧在夢裡
古老的東方有一條龍 它的名字就叫中國  古老的東方有一群人 他們全都是龍的傳人
巨龍腳底下我成長  長成以後是龍的傳人 黑眼睛黑頭髮黃皮膚 永永遠遠是龍的傳人
百年前寧靜的一個夜 巨變前夕的深夜裡  槍砲聲敲碎了寧靜夜 四面楚歌是姑息的劍
多少年砲聲仍隆隆  多少年又是多少年  巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼  永永遠遠地擦亮眼

Descendents of the Dragon (Approximate meaning)
In the fast east, there is a river; the name is “Chang Jiang” (Yangtze River)
In the fast east, there is a river; the name is “Hwang Her” (Yellow river)
Although I have not seen the beauty of “Chang Jiang”, in my dream, I have dreamed of swimming in its waters.
Although I have not seen the power of “Hwang Her”, in my dream, I have imagined the power of the waters in the my dreams.
In the olden east, lives a dragon; her name is Chung Kuo (China)
In the olden east, comes a group of people and they are all called “Descendents of the Dragon”.
Under the huge feet of the dragon where I live, growing up to a Descendent of the Dragon. Black eyes, Black hair & Yellow skin are always the Descendents of the Dragon.
The hundred years of serenity, the night before great change, cannons shattered the quiet night, swords from four directions comes.
The cannons roared for years, how many years, and how many youth?
The Great Dragon wipes its eyes, wipes its eyes……..

The Meaning of this Song:
I am no expert or scholar for that matter.
But I think whoever wrote this is chronicling the saga of the Overseas Chinese who went outside of China to seek their fortunes. It describes they have never seen Yangtze river or the Yellow river.
Plus the distinct identity of the Chinese people is their appearance.
Then great divide of the Chinese people in China at the start of the Chinese civil war just after World War 2 and metaphorically, China as the great Dragon who weeps and yearns for the unification of its people year after years.
What do you guys out there think?
Oh yeah, guess what?
I found out about my family roots recently;
1.) Great-Great Grandpa is from China, Chao Zhou, Pu Ning.
2.) Great Grandpa is born locally
3.) Grandpa is born locally too
4.) My Dad
5.) Me!
That makes my family hanging in this place for 4 generations.
Plus the reason why my family are closer to the West because Great-great Grandpa is an English speaking man from China who is a scholar in the Ching government in anyway is a lot more liberal than the traditional ones.
You know the ones who think China is center of the world, they are the most cultured people compared to the “gwailos”.
Bad point; we sucked in Chinese and dialect. I managed to learn Chinese & dialect from my Taiwanese relatives.

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