Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yikes! Are we lagging behind or what?

This is bizarre man!
I was manning my sales booth which was selling PC games.
Every now & then I had to demo my wares to the crowd.

Of course being a good serviceman, I had to let potential customers have a go at the games.

Here's the suprising part: A Korean boy about 10 yrs of age (Expatriate family, I guess) took about 10 mins to understand the controls of a PC game and was able to handle with competency in the game. He was having fun and laughing away.
After that he thanked me for letting him play, I said: "No problem."

A local boy took over him (same age from the looks of it). He didn't bother to read the controls or understand what the PC game is all about.
3 mins into game, he was frustrated and angry.
I told him gently to read the instructions. He gave me a pissed look, hammered the keyboard and stormed off.
That's wasn't very nice.

The next kid joined in. This time, an older one about 11 years old.
Also the same behavior, didn't read the instructions and was also struggling with the game.
He asked me help him play. I did and sometime later, he asked me hand over the controls to him. So I did.
When he ran into something he can't handle, he asked me intervene again.
This went on until I went to handle a customer service issue.

But this incident left me something: Local kids on the whole aren't just on par with the kids from Korea, Japan or USA. Maybe I am wrong.
A small minority like the ones from Well-to-do Families and the wealthy elites most probably can handle them.
My niece and nephew who has a wealthy dad can handle more maybe just as well as myself when it comes to competition.

I thanked my mom & dad for giving a good education & teaching me to value education above all.

Which an event like WCG or CPL comes in mind; How can anyone field a credible team that can take on formidable ones like UK or USA if the common man can't even handle a simple PC game?

Look for the elites? Elites are minority for goodness sake!
They are too few in IMHO to for a decent player.

Plus this is compounded by the fact that many are PC tech challenged.
"My PC is XP wan!" "XP can work always!"
This is most common answer I get when I asked for the PC configuration from some customers.

Windows XP is the OS (Operating System)
It is not the CPU or the speed or the graphics card in your PC.
BTW PC means Personal Computer.
If you don't even know your PC config, can it be called Personal?

Also I got cases like customers buying the one & only PC of their lives.
Again I got railed by them for selling too advanced games.

Man, I can go on and on.
As any guy would have told you it's bad biz to bad month your customers.
So I would just stop from here.

The point is that the common citizenry is so tech challenge that many think that a PC is a just fancy entertainment tool.
In reality, it is not.
It's better than an X Box or PS2 because one can cutomised it or upgrade it when the invoilved parts is old.
Every1 know that you can't do that with the X Box or PS2.

What's more I feel that Counterstrike has poisoned my nation's people mind.
What I meant is the CS as it is called; has its poularity attributed to the game's ease of playing and low system requirement.
Resulting hundreds of LAN shops that specialises in CS only opening up in 1999. Most of them closed in 2003 when the boom busted.
But the game left an indelible mark in the nation's youth's psyche.

They play only CS and nothing else. Everything is nonsense except CS.
Even when the game is outdated in the fast moving world of PC gaming, people still clung onto CS like it's the anchor of their lives.

Till today, I get people asking: "Do you sell CS?"

Yes, I do play CS. But after the better games has been produced, I moved on to other games.
I owned CS my skill, tactics and strategies.
I used what I learned and apply it to other games. (Which I think is the way to go)
Not just spend your life perfecting CS, only to find out it's a game of the Bygones era.

Then there's Warcraft 3, again the whole thing / shebang starts............
Why not? It also have low system requirements plus the ever popular mod, DOTA.

I just do not understand why people would play and stake their time in winning this outdated game.
I need some1 to enlighten me on this. Anyone?

Here's the problem our country faced on the whole: (The majority not minority)
1.) PC tech challenged (Don't know your PC systen configuration)
2.) PC Gaming skill challenged (Narrow point of view and thinks winning is everything)
3.) No drive to improve oneself (The PC you buy is the 1 and only you need in your whole life)

More to come in the next entry!

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