Monday, October 23, 2006

Ignorance, Ignorance, Ignorance.......

Well, I am a sucker of science and techs.
I went the Science Center.
And holy smoke!
Talk about sci fi creatures; scientists actually found one on Earth: in the bottom of deepest end of the sea.
A snail with armour plates!
But wait! This snail didn't use calcium or limestone for its shell like other snails.
It uses iron!
Yes! Iron.
The son of a gun uses iron for growing its shell.
Scientist actually used magnets to test the shell's magnetic property and yes!
It attract the shell. (OMG)

Why I get the feeling the bugger is not at the bottom of the food chain like all snails.......
Unless there's a predator which feeds and digests on iron based lifeforms.

Then I saw the crabs exibits. 1.) The Spider Crab 2.) The Tasmanian Crab 3.) The Champagne Crab 4.) The Snow Crab

It's interesting to note that these creatures are big (I mean big!) and they live in the deep sea.
The Tas Crab weights 14kg with pincer as big as a vise. Woah!

I did ask up why.
The reason I got is that the sea didn't limit the size, weight and mass of the animals & creatures living in it compared to terrestrials (land based) animals.
The pull of Gravity is lesser than that of dry land.

And that's why you won't be seeing man sized cockroaches and beetles anywhere in dry land.
At least, that's how the theory goes.

I always never like the idea to view science as a form of oddity.
But to some people, they are.
I always observed that parents (some not all) who brought their children to science center, they themselves are just clueless and hence they can't explain anything to their kids. They just tell their kids: "So farny wan! Hahaha!"
I dunno, Man. I wanted say that: " What have you been have been doing for the past 20 odds years of you life? This is basic science and you dont' know about it? "

Of course, that would have been politically incorrect.

Ignorance is the bane of modern day life.
It allows one to take ascendency over the lesser one by virtue of knowledge.

Exanple: The natives were awed by the Spainish with their muskets and cannons. Of course, you and me will just say; Guns. Seen that before.

But consider this: In today's competitive atmosphere, it is important to not stay ignorant like a stone age guy lest an iron guy shows up with his iron made bells and whistles.
And because he have not seen or made an iron based gadget before will start fawn and worship the Iron guy like a god.
Because the iron guy will figure out this is good chance to knock a few cheap deals for himself since this stone guy know squat.

I wouldn't blame the stone guy for that.

But it's no excuse for us here to stop learning and stop pushing ourselves to the limit.
We have the Internet, we have the will to learn and we have the edge to prove it.
The only thing is Do we want to do it?

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