Thursday, July 19, 2007

SVB (Sex, Violence & Blood) The 2nd round

Now for my second part of this issue:
I don't advocate Sex, Violence and Blood on entertainment but I certainly don't ban them entirely. I mean whitewashing, denying them is not going help either.

Let's face it: they are not going away. And your sons & daughters including mine are going to be exposed to them one way or another.

This is my take on them:

1.) Sex: Let's face it. The next fun for all human beings other than wanking off.
I am very against underaged sex (it's ugh! bleh! pui! Death to Paedophiles!)
Teenagers.....that's a very sticky issue. Teenagers; I think they liked it RAW. Therefore no condoms used and teenage pregencies happened.

Well, I would prefer teaching them to used condoms and such. So as avoid such problems. The best is abstinence which is to some: NUTS!
Well, you can watch porn and wank off. No harm done......maybe the mess left behind....Heh heh heh!

2.) Violence: For place like here, this piece of earth is very insulated from the harsh realities of wars, mega crimes and sectarian problems. So we don't feel the pinch.
Even to point of having "Hawks" & "Doves" in here, the Hawks are the ones who strongly support an Armed Forces for defence & emergencies. The Doves will not take up arms no matter what. Even if some hostile bugger comes and mug'em silly. They will not fight back. ( I think this is so dumb.)
That's why till today, our armed forces has problems being accepted by the population.
We have to defend this mud-keep from any potential hostiles.

That's why we have a citizen army. So if any mega emergencies takes place, what are you going to do?
Complain? Moan & Bitch about the unfairness of life? Hide in hole? Or take an escape boat out?

In life or on a national level, one has to defend oneself against aggressors whether be a bully or a hostile faction.
Yes, violence cannot solve anything. But being a sitting duck isn't going help too.

3.) Blood: This one is not brainer. If you are cut, will you not bleed?
So to those people who think seeing blood is offensive, I think you are a pansy and spoilt brat who has an army servants at your beck & call. You don't get to see it and think it is taboo.
Well, taboo my ass!

My Wedding

I just got married in 1/7/07.
Yes, I got very drunk after downing 8 glasses of red/white wine.
I was not drinker for a start.

Then I, according to witnesses started to spout *profanities* like:
" I gonna Karma sutra my wife.......doggy style....donkey style....dinosaur style!
The best part is it's recorded for prosterity.

Married life is not tie me down! Ha! Ha!
Although I will still fulfill my duties as a husband.
I am not gonna tie myself to the home for whatever reasons.

Life goes on, I am not use my family as a shield/excuse/reason for shirking responsibilities. Unless mega emergencies happened.
Even so, I have to weight my priorities and make some hard choices.

Life is just too short to go on circles/cycles everyday.

Oh yes,
The favourite arguement for Movies, games and entertainment:
1.) Blood 2.) Sex 3.)Violence

I have heard of too many people saying we are exposed too many of the above and soon will be corrupted morally by them.
Well, that's a lame/crap/nonsensical way of saying I am too lazy / no time to teach my children about that.

Yes, I agree that work is important.
Keeps the money flowing, bill are paid and life is easier to get by.
There are times where the fundamentals of life has to be taugh;
-Not all the time fairy tales have good endings.
-Death is not pretty, nice or glamourous
-Life is tough but manageable if you have the tenacity and fortitude.
-Nothing comes to you if you do nothing
-Keep an aim in life. At least, you won't be joining the dozens of mindless sad sods who don't anything other than earning money and thinking money is magic pill to be happy.
-Education is the key to a better future and understanding not to a life of luxury and laze around while money is dropped from the sky.

I think that parenting is a full time job and no way, it can be pushed/out sourced/pass the buck to teacher, maids or tutors.
No matter what we, human being are animals......with reason.
Occasionally our animal half will surface; that children does not carry my gene. Why should I take good care of them?
Why do you think Cinderella's stepmom is such beee-atch?

The same thing a Lion from another pride will kill another pride's cubs so as eliminate previous genes and carry its own genes by *screwing* the now cubless lioness.

Now I am not saying that all humans are animals with beastly qualities.
Otherwise I am one meself too.
But some will allow the animal half to take control and do acts of cruelty/beastiality/animalistics.
Believe it will always seek manifest itself inside all humans.
Even I will get it.
Either by feeling offended when people stare me or people challenge me by shouting at me.

I think I will continue the BSV (Blood, Sex & Violence) thing next round.