Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Toys N Panzers Works Inventory

This is my Online shop's Toys Arsenal of Toys Replicas!

For now, it is made up of primarily of ex-Soviet / Eastern Bloc weapons.
With your support, I will be bringing in more stuffs; I will do all I can to bringing more better stuff, just for you!

Interested in getting one?
Just e-mail at for more details.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Job change

It's like a long time I blogged;
My own company: Toys N Panzers Works took off as a biz.

For all you customer who supported by one or another; my deepest thanks to you!
Without you people, I wouldn't be here.

At the Cosfest 08, I wanna cosplay. In fact, I brought my costume.
But my biz is important & of course, I had to give you people a good impression.

So I gave up my chance. Never mind, there is alway another.
But I only have 1 shot to give a good lasting impression to all my customers.

I see Cosfest / Cosplay as a redemption to our country's Arts Scene. It is not that it sucked but years of neglect and apathy has left it in shambles, barely functioning.

I would like to throw my lot to help Cosplayers.
Allow me to teach you method acting.
Method Acting; it is the art of acting the character in a much indepth manner.
Suppose you act like Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell, you have get into the mood, the mentality of a secret agent and movement.

Micheal Ironside, the voice actor of Sam Fisher uses such method.
William Petersen of CSI, method acted in "Man Hunter".

There is a down side to method acting. It will make you behave like the character you portray until you think you are a real-life character.
Which is why method actors sometimes have problems seperating themselves and the movie characters they are acting.
Petersen shave himself bald and went on a long leave to seperate himself from his movie character.

Well, I guess that's one part we can work on.
Lemme think any area to work on.........